Fact sheet - The Canadian Dairy Commission: a crucial role from coast to coast

Practical implications for Canadian milk producers and consumers


Producers Consumers Government
Stable production revenues and better share of the retail price High quality groceries at a reasonable price Greater financial independence of the industry from government
Efficient and respectful agriculture on a human scale Quality Canadian milk without preservatives, antibiotics, or artificial growth hormones Sustainable growth of the industry from an environmental standpoint
Compliance with dairy safety standards, animal welfare standards, and milk composition standards among the highest in the world    

A proud and essential industry


"Producing milk that is as perfect as can be is what drives us to raise healthy cows, protect our land and resources, and ensure every glass of milk is safe and free of antibiotic residue.

Every day, we work to ensure Canadian dairy provides an enduring and valuable legacy for all Canadians."

~ Dairy Farmers of Canada


"Canada's dairy processors create jobs for more than 24, 000 Canadians in over 470 facilities across the country.  Dairy processing is the second-largest food manufacturing industry in Canada.  We purchase more than 9.2 billion litres of milk from Canada's 10, 000 dairy farms and contribute more than $16 billion to Canada's GDP each year."

~ Dairy Processors Association of Canada


"Being governed by supply management, dairy products [...] have gradually increased in price, but generally at a slower rate than wages.  They are therefore more affordable today."

~ Free translation.  From the article "Panier d'épicerie : Les aliments vous coûtent-ils vraiment plus cher qu'avant?", ICI Radio-Canada, 2022.

Download The Canadian Dairy Commission: a crucial role from coast to coast fact sheet

Fact sheet